December Dailies.
As the world around us seemed in a state of instability, the seasons continued, days shortened, mornings became crisper and watching sunrises became a regular occurrence, the reality of living in a lockdown over the last few months dawned on me. Having spent more time at home than at any other point in my life, and being so outdoor focused, my enthusiasm for making work has taken a serious hit. Since getting back from France and isolating for two weeks within the four walls of the house, the outdoors had never been so inviting.
Spurred on by the desire to discover even more of what is on the doorstep, I began running again. New trails were stumbled upon, locations rediscovered or found for the first time. It seemed like I had the rolling hills of the North Downs all to myself.
Heading out locally at all times of day I witnessed the frosts settle, clouds pass, puddles freeze and thaw. The dawn chorus was like an orchestra, the dusk chorus a subtler ensemble. Light altered the landscape in ways I thought not possible. It was a reminded of just how much is happening; if you take the time to notice the details and recognise the rhythms again.
Going out daily to explore the local area has since inspired a new personal project. A continuation of the themes from Shivelight but on a localised scale and with more distinct geographical boundaries. I’m still trying to form some kind of statement for it but for the time being, I’m content in my research and wanders.